Sensory Integration

A few of The Sanctuary staff were fortunate enough to recently take part in a webinar on an Introduction to the BUSS Model (Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems). Staff found the training extremely insightful, as we learnt about the key areas of development in babies and toddlers which build firm foundations for their future.

At the Sanctuary we know just how useful our Sensory Room is, which provides regulation, calm and quiet for our learners when they are struggling with their emotions. From our training, we now feel inspired and equipped to lead more sensory-focussed activities with our learners which will benefit them both physically and emotionally. The leader of the training, Sarah Lloyd, and parents and carers who have benefited from BUSS Model activities, gave us hopeful examples of how sensory integration can massively change families for the better. No matter what challenging experiences take place early on in life, there is always hope and help available through various agencies and models. The Sanctuary staff are grateful to be part of our learners’ overall development as they grow.