Mindfulness and Well-being

The Outdoor Education pathway learner were out and about again into Gibside Estate, taking along with them some of the Year 11 learners to support their mental health and well-being.

This week, was to switch off. In between all the exam stresses, the Year 11 learners joined the group as we hung hammocks and...switched off. Completely. In fact I'm sure some had 20 minutes sleep!

The Outdoor Education troop also brought along learners who had earned time out due to completing their GL Assessments, as promised by Mr. Butler, and they even brought their own tent to pitch and test in the 'wild'. To top it all off, some little doorways to the trees were created to engage younger people when they explored the woods.

A wonderful afternoon spent with some thoughtful and kind learners, in a relaxed environment away from the pressures of the GCSE exams - time well spent in hammocks!